Old villas in Vigezzo Valley

A round trek in the Painters’ Valley along sound mule tracks half way up the mountains past the painted architecture of old villas which are the fruit of successful emigration. From Druogno, the first village when entering Vigezzo there follow others, Sagrogno for a glimpse of farming life, Albogno with the Mattei house and Coimo, for a taste of the famous rye bread. On the way back in Sasseglio, a stop to visit the old water mill.

Difference in height: m 184 - Difficulty: T - Maximum height reached: m 1020 - Lunch: picnic or lunch in a typical small restaurant available if required

Among rich houses and vineyards

A walk to Masera and its groups of houses among rich villas and vineyards. A careful look at the esotic gardens of Villa Caselli with its botanical rarities and the variety of styles between parks and outhouses. A taste of the typical products washed down with local wine in order to know the specialities that the territory offers.

Difference in height: m 350 - Difficulty: T - Maximum height reached: m 646 - Lunch: in a typical small restaurant

Small villages and hamlets in Antrona Valley

A walk through rural villages along the Antrona way between past and present. Seppiana with its parish church of Saint Ambrogio a splendid example of history of Romanesque churches in the valley. Viganella with its craftmens’ workshops, the historical houses and the curious sun-reflecting mirror, and last Bordo where there is the Buddist community “Karma Dechen Yang Tse” and Cheggio, examples of rural architecture re-interpretation for new kinds of houses.

Difference in height: m 162 - Difficulty: T - Maximum height reached: m 719 - Lunch: picnic lunch

The Walser world

A plunge into the past in the silent village of Salecchio, one of the most beautiful alpine Walser pastures, where the last cowherd lived until 1969. From the Antillone oratory through the enchanted beech and fir wood one reaches the Walser settlements of S. Antonio, Case Francoli and Salecchio seeing commonly shared structures like the lime-kiln, an old sawmill and a water-mill. A quick look at the inside of an authentic Walser house. From Salecchio Superiore the return journey is by a lovely way along a path cut out of the rock.

Difference in height: m 289 - Difficulty: T - Maximum height reached: m 1509 - Lunch: picnic or in an alpine hut

Spring water and traditional trades

A round route along miners’, mountain dwellers’ and peasants’ tracks; the wells of the Lasino stream which is evidence of working of gold, the Roletto mill connected with the growing of rye and hemp, the Turnaria dairy for the production of cheese and the medieval tower of Battiggio overseeing the territory.

Difference in height: m 350 - Difficulty: T - Maximum height reached: m 738 - Lunch: picnic lunch

Rural culture